Wills and Estates Lawyer

Protect your family today by making a will.

Protect your minor children by appointing a guardian.

A will is one of the most important document you can ever prepare in your lifetime. Every adult should have a will to protect their estate and provide for those they love and care about. By making a will, you have the opportunity to make important decisions about your estate. Without a will, your assets may not necessarily end up going to the people you thought they would.

There are several reasons to have a will. You will have the opportunity to make important decisions about what will happen to your money and property when you pass away. You would want to appoint a guardian for your minor children should you pass away before they reach the age of majority. Your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. You can appoint executors that you trust.

Making a will is a straight forward process. While it is possible to make your own will, but it is highly recommended that you seek out expert legal advice and have a will drawn up by a lawyer.

The services provided by Gaur Law include the drafting of wills and the creation of power of attorney.

Small Estate Certificate

Small Estate Certificate is the document you will receive if your application with the Superior Court of Justice is approved. This process is more streamlined and allows you to apply for a Small Estate Certificate when the value of the estate is less than $150,000.

If your application for probate of a small estate is approved, the Court will issue a probate certificate known as a Small Estate Certificate. The certificate will give you the authority to manage and distribute the assets.

We can help you with the application for the Small Estate Certificate.

For more information on the wills, power of attorney, estates and probates services offered by Gaur Law, please contact us today.

Wills Lawyer Vaughan | Estates Lawyer Vaughan | Wills and Power of Attorney | Small Estate Certificate